Environment Models
A collection of in-game models and the creation process. PBR workflow using Maya, Zbrush, Substance Designer/Painter for use in UE4

Concept, design, model, sculpt, texture

Concept, design, model, sculpt, texture

Concept, design, model, sculpt, texture

PBR - Albedo, Normal, Roughness

Octopus Mural for the garden - Designed and created using Zbrush and Painter

Octopus Mural for the garden - Designed and created using Zbrush and Painter

Albedo, Normal, Roughness, Metalness. Same Map for both broken and complete versions

Generic Banners with different wear levels (Substance Painter)

Environment Spaces
A collection of in-game environments in Unreal Engine 4.

Background elements (kitbashing), set dressing foreground, concept for sconces & braziers, decal creation for mud, dirt, scorch marks.

Set dressing (kitbashing walls and floor elements, modeled and textured scaffolding, banners, planks, blood/dirt/mud decals

Designed and created garden gate entrance and walls (Zbrush and Painter)

Layout, modeled and textured interior. Lighting pass in Marmoset Toolbag

Layout, modeled and textured interior. Lighting pass in Marmoset Toolbag
Environment Concepts
Concepts for props for outsourcing and In-house creation.

Concept for 3 sizes of mirror for outsourcing. Tarnished for cost and modular for variety. Can also be used as picture frames.

A variety of office stationary for outsource.

Modularly designed books. 4 sizes, 3 book styles, 2 clasps.

2 designs of anchor in the style of the game

Generic everyday chandeliers for outsourcing.

Generic everyday sconces and metal torch.